We recommend starting with pathway 1 and working your way to pathway 3. The instructor feedback panel in your course will provide resources and steps to remediate content. In addition to the instructor feedback panel, some of the listed items have been hyperlinked to resources to help you complete the task. Reach out to the Digital Accessibility Team with any questions.
Do you only have 2-5 minutes? Pick 1-2 of the items below to work on in your course. Come back when you have time to work on more!
If this if your first time using Ally and you have a little more time to dive into course accessibility issues, we recommend starting by starting on the list below.
If you have been working through the first 2 pathways and you feel ready to begin overhauling major elements in your course start working on the list below.
Ally not only creates course reports but also institution reports for every semester. We have compiled the top 5 issues that appeared across all digital courses at UTSA.
Each tab corresponds to each issue type. Review the tabs and the tips on how to correct the issue.
To access the list of accessibility issues within your Blackboard course, find your course report labeled Accessibility Report under Course Tools within your Blackboard course.
Do you still have questions? Click the button below to email our Digital Accessibility Team.