State Authorization

The University of Texas at San Antonio has been approved by the State of Texas to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of post-secondary distance education. Institutions that join NC-SARA are held to the national standard in each member state rather than the individual state’s regulations, thus making authorization of distance education more streamlined.

Licensing Disclosures

The curriculum for programs customarily leading to licensure at the University of Texas at San Antonio have been designed to meet the licensure/certification requirements in Texas as well as preparing students to apply for licensure exams in the State of Texas.  The licensure boards in each state are responsible for establishing the requirements for licensure/certification for their state. Students who intend to return or move to any state other than Texas need to review the professional licensure disclosures pertaining to their program and consult with the state professional licensing board.  The state professional licensing boards make the ultimate decision as to whether or not an individual will be eligible to sit for licensure based on the rules and regulations in place at the time the individual submits their application for licensure.

For more information on the federal regulations for professional licensure disclosures, visit 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v). 

Licensure Programs Offered at UTSA

Teacher Education Licensure Programs

For more information on licensure preparing education programs in the College of Education and Human Development, please visit the Professional Preparation and Partnerships web page.

Counseling & Psychology Licensure Programs

For more information on licensure preparing graduate counseling programs in the College of Education and Human Development, visit the Department of Counseling Graduate Catalog web page.

For more information on licensure preparing undergraduate psychology programs in the College of Fine and Liberal Arts, visit the Department of Psychology Undergraduate Catalog web page.

For more information on licensure preparing graduate psychology programs in the College of Fine and Liberal Arts, visit the Department of Psychology Graduate Catalog web page. 

Social Work Licensure Programs

For more information on licensure preparing undergraduate social work programs in the College for Health, Community and Policy, visit the Department of Social Work Graduate Catalog web page.