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Universal Design for Learning Practices

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework that allows learners to engage with content and represent their knowledge in multiple ways. Designing courses using UDL principles promotes a rich learning environment, considers the variety of learner’s needs while incorporating accessibility principles.  The Office of Digital Learning recommends getting comfortable with UDL by reviewing the UDL On Campus – Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. Then, reflect on how students meet learning outcomes and where they stumble, this reflection will help highlight which UDL principles to incorporate. Utilize the principles at the beginning of the course development process or make small changes every semester to help engage our diverse group of learners.  

UDL Principles

UDL is broken down into three categories of providing multiple means of: 

  1. Engagement – focuses on how to motivate learners to meet learning objectives and consume the course content. 
  2. Representation – focuses on what students are learning and providing was to improve learners understanding of content. 
  3. Action and Expression – focuses on how learners will demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of course goals.  

Use the following graphic organizer to understand how to incorporate the UDL principles.  


Source: CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from http://udlguidelines.cast.org 

UDL in Action

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Are you currently using UDL principles in your course? Become a UDL Campion and contact us to have your course materials or assessments showcased in UDL in Action! 
