
Interactive Virtual Labs

Labster’s virtual lab simulations allow students to work through real-life case stories, interact with lab equipment, perform experiments and learn with theory and quiz questions. A Labster virtual lab simulation is an immersive 3D interactive learning environment.
Subjects Include: Biochemistry | Biotechnology | Cellular and Molecular Biology | Developmental Biology | Ecology | Evolution and Biodiversity | General Biology | Genetics | Microbiology | Nutrition | Pharmacology | Physiology | Analytical Chemistry | General Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Building Engineering/Material |Environmental Engineering | Geotechnics | Electricity | Mechanics | Oscillations| Waves


Easy Canvas Integration
Automatic Grading
No Download Required
Apple, Windows, and Chromebook Compatible

Get Started

Labster Virtual Lab simulations are available to all UTSA faculty and ready to integrate into your Canvas courses.