Blackboard Guidelines > Blackboard Help and Integration

Third-Party Integrations

LTI or API integrations and Building blocks are integration tools that can be used to extend UTSA’s Blackboard functionality. For any third party integration requests, the Digital Learning team at Academic Innovation must take into account Blackboard performance, system security, and data integrity. 

If you would like to request an integration, please fill out the third party integration form. 

As the requestor, you are responsible as: 

  1. The designated tester of the integration 
  2. The point of contact for the implementation process 
  3. The primary support person for any student inquiries regarding the integration, or willing to direct students to the appropriate vendor support 

If approved, the implementation may take 1- 3 months or longer. If an upgrade to UTSA’s Blackboard System renders the integration inoperable, it is the vendor’s responsibility to provide UTSA with an updated version or fix for the integration. 

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