Home / Blackboard News & Updates / Blackboard Course Removal – AY 2018-19
Blackboard courses from Fall 2018, Spring 2019, and Summer 2019 have been archived and are scheduled to be removed from Blackboard after November 26, 2021. The regular removal of courses is necessary to maintain a manageable database size to ensure system speed and performance.
Academic Innovation will retain an offline copy of all for-credit courses, including student data, offered through Blackboard Learn for the time period specified in the UTSA records retention policy. This archive includes course content, user activity, and course interactions such as discussions, messages, submissions, and grades.
Archived courses can be restored and made available to pertinent faculty members upon request; please allow a minimum of two weeks to restore a course. If you have any questions, please contact AcademicInnovation@utsa.edu.
Tags: Blackboard Learn